Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japan's Calamity

Well 11th March 2011 was a dramatic, rather unfortunate day in the history one of the most self sufficient country in the world. This is when the deadly earth quake stuck the Japanese coastline, which in turn triggered a Tsunami. Well since then you switch on to any International news channel and the only thing you see are the images of destruction.

Yesterday when I was watching one such news item in BBC there was an interesting thing shared by the correspondent. In the video footage they showed people standing outside a super market where in hundreds had queued outside the supermarket and there was this guy from the supermarket who was announcing that they had very limited stocks and one of the waiting consumers told the correspondent that in near by vicinity this is the only super market which has something with itself. Inspite of all these the interesting aspect was that there was no chaos at all. People were patiently standing outside in the sun in the queue in an orderly fashion waiting for their turn to come. Which as rightly mentioned by the reporter was a typical sign of Japanese culture of patience and forgiveness.

Further the reporter went on to say that most of the houses or shops were open since their walls had collapsed and lot of things were lying in the open, but still there was not a single incident of loot that was reported from anywhere. Quite an inspiring culture I must say.

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